Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020

Nico's Wig Film

Watch And Learn Deutch Film " Nico's Weg"

 Hello, all ! I'm Shaquila.  here I want to review a film from Germany whose title is 'Nicos Weg'. This film is played by Nico as the main character. it all started with a young man from Spain named Nico, he came to Germany to meet his aunt who lives here, yara's name. but when he just arrived at the airport, he lost his only bag while playing with a little boy named emma. Nico accidentally put his bag next to the taxi that was putting the goods in the trunk of the taxi, so without thinking, the taxi driver immediately put Nico's bag into the trunk of the car. to make matters worse, all valuables such as passports, yara addresses, phones are all in the bag. Emma and Lisa (Emma's aunt) are sorry to see Nico who doesn't know what else to do. Then finally Lisa and Emma took Nico away to live temporarily at their house. While looking for the whereabouts of Yara's (Tante Nico) house, her friend Lisa comes and reminds her that Lisa's dad is a police officer who might be able to help them in this situation. Lisa, who just realized it, immediately called her father and immediately came to the police station right away. but unfortunately, the police were not able to find the whereabouts of Nico's and Yara's bags as quickly because the evidence that Nico gave was only a photo and a Yara bicycle shop. so Nico had to wait a little longer. In the afternoon, Lisa takes Nico to a party at Lisa's house. Lisa's friends were very good there. they also helped find auntyara's whereabouts. at night, the party starts and Nico accidentally falls in love with one of Lisa's friends who is there, her name is Salma. they also play games at the party until it is time for salma to go home. and some time later the party was over. The next day, because it is impossible for Nico to just stay at their house, Lisa has the idea to suggest Nico to become Emma's babysitter and Nico agrees with Lisa's opinion. Then the next day Nico just waited for the police to find his bag by helping Lisa and her friends who were there. Then after a long wait the police finally found the whereabouts of the Yara bike shop, but what is regrettable is that Yara is not in the shop. yara was out of town at that time. so Nico had to wait some more. but not long after that Nico finally got the news that Salma (Lisa's friend) found her bag, and luckily her passport, her cellphone was still safe in the bag. Nico is very grateful to Salma for the help.

After watching this film, I can take a lot of lessons, such as we shouldn't be careless about putting our things down, then we also have to help friends who are in trouble. and also after I watched this film, I became familiar with some German words and I also learned while watching. although the plot is not that exciting, this film is very useful for people who want to learn German. I also discovered a lot of new vocabulary words. I also became more accustomed to hearing someone speak German. I think that's all my review of the film 'Nico's Weg'. thankyou...

by Shaquila Allishia Herianto XI SCIENCE 7 (28)

Minggu, 27 September 2020




what I want to do for the future?

Hello everyone, my name is Shaquila Allishia Herianto im 14 years old. I'm from SMAN 3 BANDUNG. For today's topic is "what do I want to do for the future?" First, the most important thing is that I want to be a sure successful person, successful in this world and the hereafter. I also want to enter the medical faculty of UNPAD in two years. after I entered medical school, my dream was to become a doctor. pediatrician is my dream since childhood. In the past, I wanted to be a doctor because I like to see doctors who can help many people when they are sick. and I also really idolized pediatricians when I was little, he is very good to children. That's why I really want to be someone who can see the smiles of children. I also like biology lessons. I really like studying it. it's also the reason I went to medical school. Lately I really like attending medical seminars, and I've also been in several medical competitions which I hope will help me when I enter college. Even though I am not good at biology, my ambition is big to enter medical school. plus the support from many of my friends and family which makes me even more excited. besides being a doctor, I also want to open a business. food business or other business. I also really like selling since I was a child, like I used to sell slime, bracelets, masks, lunch supplies, etc. I want to open a shop business. I also want to learn to be a better person in the future. I also want to be a good parent in the future, I want to send my child as high as possible. most importantly I want to be a good mother who always sees them happy because I am now very happy with my parents now. In order to achieve all my dreams and aspirations, I will study harder and always pray to God to be given fluency in my every step. I think that's all I can say, I hope that my ambition to achieve my goals will be even greater. and lastly I want to thank myself for going this far, I also want to say that I am proud of myself. thank you Miss....

by Shaquila Allishia H XI SCIENCE 7 (28)

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2020


 “Korean Dramas Gives Negative Effects to Student’s Life”

 Members : 

1.) Auvia Fitri Keisha Maharani (Contra Team) 

2.) Muhamad Rafli Permadi (Contra Team) 

3.) Shaquila Allishia Herianto (Pro Team) 

4.) Vania (Pro Team)

Who doesn't know Korean dramas? Nowadays there are so many young people, especially students who watch Korean dramas. In addition to its fun story flow, Korean dramas also have actors and actresses who are handsome and also beautiful. that's what makes young people today really like Korean dramas. but make no mistake, this Korean drama has many impacts on the lives of students. some are positive impacts, and some cause negative impacts. The following are the positive and negative impacts if you watch Korean dramas.

Pro team 

Watching Korean Drama make students lazy

 By watching Korean Drama, in some cases, makes students will prefer to watch Korean dramas which they are excited about than doing assignments that they must done. 

Watching Korean Drama make students is wasting their time

 Watching Korean drama makes you want to watch one episode after another until the end, this also makes them leave their obligations such as studying and helping their parents and sometimes even making them stay up late 

Watching Korean Drama make students have high expectations of someone based on what they like from Korean Drama 

In Korean Drama, we see many good things from someone like their attitudes and many more which is actually what they do to deepen the roles they , it makes us want someone like them in real life to be like the actor/actrees in the drama that they watched. 

Watching Korean Drama make students in a bad mood 

Watching Korean dramas makes people in a bad mood. When the storyline or plot twist of the Korean drama doesn't match what they expected, they will be sad and maybe cause prolonged sadness so that their mood is not good. it will also harm those around them being disturbed. 

Watching Korean Drama make students become anti-social 

People who watch Korean dramas will mention the drama from start to finish. maybe it could be from morning to night, so they rarely interact with other people because they are too focused on the drama they watch. it causes people to pay less attention to those around them. humans are social creatures, so they need other people in their lives. but watching the drama prevented them from interacting with many people. That's bad news. 

Watching Korean Drama make students addicted to Korean culture and forget Indonesian culture 

Korean drama makes students addicted to their culture and forget Indonesia culture. by watching Korean dramas you will definitely get to know the Korean culture, right? it could make you want to follow the culture there. like the style of dress, the way you talk, maybe even the attitude of the Korean people you will sleep too. It makes you use Korean culture more often so that you forget about Indonesian culture itself. This will eventually make Indonesian culture disappear. 

Contra team

Watching Korean Drama was a healing for students who feel tired about their problem. 

By watching Korean Dramas, students can release their fatigue during learning at school. Watching Korean Dramas can make students refreshing from learning school. In addition, watching Korean Dramas make students feel more relax. 

Watching Korean Drama make you learn more culture and language in a fun way 

Indirectly, watching Korean Dramas can increase students knowledge about Korean Culture and Korean language. Not that too, students can learn about it with fun way. Because, various unique things are found in Korean dramas, like street food and Korea’s traditional clothes, that is Hanbok. 

Watching Korean Drama make students open minded 

Students can see many different perspectives because by watching Korean dramas, the problems experienced by the characters can be solved by listening and seeing the people’s mind of the opponent. Because, every Korean dramas scene always relate with our life. So, students will easily to make lesson. 

Watching Korean Drama can increase students curiosity 

Most Korean dramas provide something or terms that are not widely known to other people so that students will feel curious and look for information on the search web. 

Watching Korean Drama make you avoided from promiscuity 

When the students always watching korean dramas, they will be always stay at home. So they can avoid the bad behaviour. And also, can spend a lot of time at home, with family, and can understand the deep meaning of life with korean dramas. 

Watching Korean Drama teach us many life lessons 

Watching korean dramas, can teach us many life lesson, why? Because, every scene, every episode, have deep meaning. And can make our life be better again. and we can get the more good value of our life or problem. and, every happened seem familiar with our life. So, korean drama is good for us.


Minggu, 02 Agustus 2020






you are so noisy 
i woke up because of you

ya..ya...im sorry..
can we meet up at gemoy cafe today ?
i just wanna ask you guys something 

okay, i will be there at 9 o'clock 

huh...me too okay



Chacha : 9 o'clock u said?!?!?!? i already here 1 hours ago, now its 10 o'clock !

Haechan : Hehehehe, im sorry my mom want me to help her to bought some vegetable in supermarket 

Mark : im sorry, i fell asleep ...

Haechan : because i'm the one inviting here, so you guys can order anything here. i'll pay for it

Mark : Yeah Hachan my brother, you are so handsome today ! i want the watermelon juice okay 

Chacha : i want the vanila cream with caramel sauce ok

Haechan : okay wait a minute ( go to the cashier ) 

5 minutes later...

Haechan : this is yours , this is chacha's and this is mine! you guys must be indebted to me for this... 

Chacha: yaya okay, i have no time. so what do you want asking for , Chan ? 

Haechan  :oh ya ! I just made a video ( Haechan showing the video )

Mark : wow....

Haechan : so... what do you think about the video? is it good or not? 

Mark : wow... you are so talented bro

Haechan : -_- seriously mark

Chacha: in my opinion you should changes the music into the energic one 

Haechan : the energic one ? okay i will changes it 

Mark : oh ya! I think you should add more illustration bro, it makes the viewers don't get bored

Chacha : YESSS UR RIGHT MARK, i agree with you

Haehan : eum do you guys know who can make a good illustration?

Chacha : how about Aurel ? she is good at drawing 

Mark : no no no, i think Giatri is better at drawing cha

Chacha : ouh ya, i forget her. you should ask Giatri then 

Hacehan : okay i will ask her later. So how about the content of the video? 

Chacha : for the content i think its already interesting , how about you mark ?

Mark : yeah, i think so too 

Chacha : Ah! i need to go to tutor now! i'm sorry. i'll go first. bye Haechan bye Mark. see u again! 

Haechan : okay thankyou for your opinion cha, bye ! 

Mark : bye cha! so... is it over? 

Haechan : i think it yes, i must go to bakery too . thank you for today bro, byeee

Mark : hey, why you guys left me alone ! i want go home too !

f i n i s h 

script by : Shaquila Allishia H , XI SCIENCE 7 (28)

Selasa, 14 Juli 2020

suggest and offers

student council president election 2022.

( s u g g e s t   a n d  o f f e r s )

One day at SMAN 3 BANDUNG. today is the election day for student council president for the period of 2022-2023. All students are gathered in the hall to choose one of 3 student council pairs to be elected.

Chacha : heyy guys

Via and Vania : hello chaa

MC : Hello everyone, my name is Fadli. as you guys know today we will elect a student council president for the period of 2022-2023. pick your choice from now on before entering the voting booth to speed up the course of this election. we will start from grade 10. for 10 science 1 please enter the election room. thank you.

student : okayyyy

Vania : guys, do you already know whos pair that you will choose later ??

Chacha: Im confused choose between the 1st and the 2nd 

Via : I still don't know....

Vania : I think the 2nd one is better

Chacha : Why do you think the 2nd one is better ??

Vania : Because They are also student council president and vice student council president in my middle school and they really did a great job.

Chacha : How about the 1st one ??

Vania : The 1st one is also good but i prefer the 2nd one to the 1st one 

Via : Sounds great, so... Should i choose the 2nd one ? 

Vania : it's up to you Via hahaha

Chacha : Alright guys, that's my class. i'll go first byee!

a f t e r   t h e   s e l e c t i o n

Chacha : Finally Via. Still confused huh? You're So long inside Vi haha...

Via : Yesss , I was very confused. eum by the way, does anyone have a tissue?

Vania : Sorry no, try asking the committee there 

Via : okay 

c o m m i t t e e ' s  t a b l e

Via : Sorry for disturbing you all

Committee : Yes ? May i help you ? 

Via : I need something for this ink

Commitee : would you like me to bring some tissue ? 

Via : Yes please 

Committee : Sure wait a minute ,  this /give the tissue/

Via : Thankyou

Committee : you're welcome 

by Shaquila Allishia XI SCIENCE 7 (28)

Jumat, 20 Maret 2020


hello everyone, today i want to tell you guys about;
1) what is coronavirus?
2) how to handle coronavirus?
3) how to live a healty life?

So, there are the three point in all. I make Into some poster. So u can see it in bellow!
sorry if my poster not good at all, but i hope u guys like it!! ^^

And this is my assignment worksheet link!

Thankyou ♡

Selasa, 10 Maret 2020



Diponegoro War, also known as Java War was lasted for five years (1825-1830) at Java Island, Indonesia. This war was one of the biggest war that happened during Dutch colonialism. This war caused 200.000 people died. The end of the war won Dutch control of Java.


In the beginning, Diponegoro war only came from internal palace talks. In July 1825, Patih Danu Reja IV, a loyal Dutch henchman, had asked Yogyakarta Sultanate officials to make a road. This road construction turned out to penetrate the land owned by Diponegoro, who is also a relative of Yogyakarta, and his grandmother in Tegalrejo. Even without his permission, construction of the road concerning the tomb of the Diponegoro family. This is clearly getting strong resistance from Diponegoro.

For this reason, Prince Diponegoro then asked his staff to revoke all stakes that were embedded as signs of road construction by Patih Danu reja IV. Not only that, Diponegoro also protested loudly and asked Patih Danu reja IV to be fired from his position. However, A.H. Smisaerr asked the sultan to keep maintaining Patih Danu rejaja IV. This tense atmosphere triggered the eruption of the Diponegoro War. But in fact, this debate is only one small reason that led to the Diponegoro war.

According to Abdul Qadir Djaelani (1999), the main problem of the Diponegoro War was due to the interference of the colonizers (Dutch and British) in the sultanate government of Yogyakarta, which was then implied in the policies and regulations of the empire that benefited the invaders. In fact, the validity of the sultan's position must be approved by the invaders. This condition was made worse by the removal of people who did not want to cooperate with the Dutch. As a result, several princes who were ousted, including Diponegoro, then rebelled and openly put up a fight, namely opposing every sultanate and Dutch policy.


Prince Diponegoro then arranged a line with the name People's Resistance against the invaders. In this line, resistance is focused on the people's movement so that the struggle is broad and long. This form of resistance was chosen by Diponegoro to avoid the Dutch accusation that he only wanted to seize power, although in the end the accusation was made against him.

In the struggle, Diponegoro used the right steps. He issued a call to all the people of Mataram to fight together against the Dutch colonial authorities and tyrants, who always oppressed the people. The cry, among others, reads, "Brothers on the plains! If you love me, come with me and my uncle to Selarong. Anyone who loves me, come immediately and get ready to fight."

This appeal was later disseminated throughout the land of Mataram, especially in Central Java and was received by most sections of the community. Finally, the Selarong area was crowded because it was filled with people's troops. The war against the Dutch colonial authorities exploded and burned almost all of the land of Mataram, even as far as East and West Java.

Finally, war is inevitable. Dutch troops were overwhelmed by Diponegoro's troops for many years. In some battles, the Dutch troops always lost. This made Dutch troops from Madura and other areas arrive to help the troops in Yogyakarta who were under attack. As a result, many Diponegoro troops suffered defeat and were killed on the battlefield.

⦁ End of the Diponegoro War

In dealing with the Diponegoro resistance, again the Dutch used cunning tricks. Diponegoro was ambushed after being persuaded to negotiate. In a position not ready for war, Prince Diponegoro and his bodyguards were easily ambushed, disarmed and put into a special resident vehicle. This vehicle had already been prepared by the Dutch. With strict guard, the Dutch troops then brought the Diponegoro prince to Ungaran.
At the end of this war, Pangeran Diponegoro was then taken to Batavia, before that he was taken first to the city of Semarang. Right on May 3rd, 1830, Prince Diponegoro and his staff were taken to the dumping area, which is in Manado. Prince Diponegoro along with 19 people including his family and staff were also thrown away. Then in 1834 Prince Diponegoro and the others moved to another disposal area, namely Makassar. After serving a prisoner period of 25 years, Prince Diponegoro then died on January 8, 1855 precisely at the age of 70 years.

As a result of the great war against Prince Diponegoro, the Dutch treasury was drained because of funding for the war.
The Dutch gained several territories in Yogyakarta and Surakarta and the power of the Javanese kingdoms began to diminish.
In addition, there was a removal of the forced cultivation system

Imitiyazhz. (2018, january 17). Perang Diponegoro. Retrieved from Blogger: http://imtiyazhz.blogspot.com/2018/01/a.html?m=1
Tribun. (2019, august 11). Perang Diponegoro. Retrieved from tribunnewswiki.com: https://www.tribunnewswiki.com/amp/2019/08/11/perang-diponegoro-1825-1830

Selasa, 04 Februari 2020


Princess Rose And The Golden Bird

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful Princess named Rose. She had long, wavy and shiny golden red hair! She was named perfectly as she loved and adored the roses. She had one glowing golden bird who will visit her in the evenings.
The princess and the golden bird will sing mesmerizing song, where all people in the kingdom peacefully sleep with sweet dreams. The bird will begin making the sounds seeing the beautiful hair of the princess and she will join with the bird. Both of them used to sing lullaby to make people sleep and keep singing the lullabies until sun rise.

while people lived peacefully, a wicked witch came to know about the golden bird and the hair color of the princess rose. one day, the witch came when princess rose and her bird were singing the lulabies songs at the night. the witch is curious about them "who is princess rose ? i dont even know her
While people lived peacefully, a wicked witch came to know about the golden bird and the hair color of the princess rose. She cursed the princess and her hair turned ugly black!
As usual, the bird started singing seeing the black hair of the princess and she continued. While people fell asleep, none of them had sweet dreams; rather they were terrible and fearful. Princess heard about the nightmare dreams and was so worried!
She asked the golden bird what she should do to turn her hair red. The bird asked her to dip her hair in rose water and she did. Surprisingly, the hair turned beautiful red with the usual glow. Undoubtedly, everyone fell asleep hearing the lullaby and had sweet dreams. Knowing this, the witch cursed again and now removed all rose flowers and petals from the kingdom.

Storytelling video

Hope u guys like it, thankyou ☁️

Selasa, 07 Januari 2020

My holi(yay) ⛰

My holi(yay)  ⛰ 

hello! So now I want to tell you guys about my last holiday. So last holiday I went to one of the places located in East Java. The name of this place is Mount Bromo, I think you have often heard about this mountain right? Mount bromo is the one of famous place around Indonesian people. And now i want to tell you about my vacation going to Mount Bromo.

So, at 6 pm me and my family going to Pasuruan from our house in Mojokerto, because our travel can only pick up us in Pasuruan. And coincidentally my father's friend was in Pasuruan too. We arrived in Pasuruan around 9 pm,and then we going to eat there for a second and our travel car pick up us at 11pm. At 1am we arrived in transit villa to change the car to a jeep. And we start going to the top around 2am.On the road to the top is very very dark, the driver tell us that he's only relying on his feeling when he driving to the top. Woah, now I can belive that he's so amazing. And we arrived at the top of Bromo around 3am. We are going to see a sunrise so we're going left early in the morning. and than we waiting for a sunrise. We wait while eating noodles and warm milk. it's so cold there and crowded too. there are so many people that want to see for a sunrise at the top. After 2 hour we waited above finally we can see for a beautiful view there. Such a beautiful sunrise....