Selasa, 14 Juli 2020

suggest and offers

student council president election 2022.

( s u g g e s t   a n d  o f f e r s )

One day at SMAN 3 BANDUNG. today is the election day for student council president for the period of 2022-2023. All students are gathered in the hall to choose one of 3 student council pairs to be elected.

Chacha : heyy guys

Via and Vania : hello chaa

MC : Hello everyone, my name is Fadli. as you guys know today we will elect a student council president for the period of 2022-2023. pick your choice from now on before entering the voting booth to speed up the course of this election. we will start from grade 10. for 10 science 1 please enter the election room. thank you.

student : okayyyy

Vania : guys, do you already know whos pair that you will choose later ??

Chacha: Im confused choose between the 1st and the 2nd 

Via : I still don't know....

Vania : I think the 2nd one is better

Chacha : Why do you think the 2nd one is better ??

Vania : Because They are also student council president and vice student council president in my middle school and they really did a great job.

Chacha : How about the 1st one ??

Vania : The 1st one is also good but i prefer the 2nd one to the 1st one 

Via : Sounds great, so... Should i choose the 2nd one ? 

Vania : it's up to you Via hahaha

Chacha : Alright guys, that's my class. i'll go first byee!

a f t e r   t h e   s e l e c t i o n

Chacha : Finally Via. Still confused huh? You're So long inside Vi haha...

Via : Yesss , I was very confused. eum by the way, does anyone have a tissue?

Vania : Sorry no, try asking the committee there 

Via : okay 

c o m m i t t e e ' s  t a b l e

Via : Sorry for disturbing you all

Committee : Yes ? May i help you ? 

Via : I need something for this ink

Commitee : would you like me to bring some tissue ? 

Via : Yes please 

Committee : Sure wait a minute ,  this /give the tissue/

Via : Thankyou

Committee : you're welcome 

by Shaquila Allishia XI SCIENCE 7 (28)

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