Selasa, 10 Maret 2020



Diponegoro War, also known as Java War was lasted for five years (1825-1830) at Java Island, Indonesia. This war was one of the biggest war that happened during Dutch colonialism. This war caused 200.000 people died. The end of the war won Dutch control of Java.


In the beginning, Diponegoro war only came from internal palace talks. In July 1825, Patih Danu Reja IV, a loyal Dutch henchman, had asked Yogyakarta Sultanate officials to make a road. This road construction turned out to penetrate the land owned by Diponegoro, who is also a relative of Yogyakarta, and his grandmother in Tegalrejo. Even without his permission, construction of the road concerning the tomb of the Diponegoro family. This is clearly getting strong resistance from Diponegoro.

For this reason, Prince Diponegoro then asked his staff to revoke all stakes that were embedded as signs of road construction by Patih Danu reja IV. Not only that, Diponegoro also protested loudly and asked Patih Danu reja IV to be fired from his position. However, A.H. Smisaerr asked the sultan to keep maintaining Patih Danu rejaja IV. This tense atmosphere triggered the eruption of the Diponegoro War. But in fact, this debate is only one small reason that led to the Diponegoro war.

According to Abdul Qadir Djaelani (1999), the main problem of the Diponegoro War was due to the interference of the colonizers (Dutch and British) in the sultanate government of Yogyakarta, which was then implied in the policies and regulations of the empire that benefited the invaders. In fact, the validity of the sultan's position must be approved by the invaders. This condition was made worse by the removal of people who did not want to cooperate with the Dutch. As a result, several princes who were ousted, including Diponegoro, then rebelled and openly put up a fight, namely opposing every sultanate and Dutch policy.


Prince Diponegoro then arranged a line with the name People's Resistance against the invaders. In this line, resistance is focused on the people's movement so that the struggle is broad and long. This form of resistance was chosen by Diponegoro to avoid the Dutch accusation that he only wanted to seize power, although in the end the accusation was made against him.

In the struggle, Diponegoro used the right steps. He issued a call to all the people of Mataram to fight together against the Dutch colonial authorities and tyrants, who always oppressed the people. The cry, among others, reads, "Brothers on the plains! If you love me, come with me and my uncle to Selarong. Anyone who loves me, come immediately and get ready to fight."

This appeal was later disseminated throughout the land of Mataram, especially in Central Java and was received by most sections of the community. Finally, the Selarong area was crowded because it was filled with people's troops. The war against the Dutch colonial authorities exploded and burned almost all of the land of Mataram, even as far as East and West Java.

Finally, war is inevitable. Dutch troops were overwhelmed by Diponegoro's troops for many years. In some battles, the Dutch troops always lost. This made Dutch troops from Madura and other areas arrive to help the troops in Yogyakarta who were under attack. As a result, many Diponegoro troops suffered defeat and were killed on the battlefield.

⦁ End of the Diponegoro War

In dealing with the Diponegoro resistance, again the Dutch used cunning tricks. Diponegoro was ambushed after being persuaded to negotiate. In a position not ready for war, Prince Diponegoro and his bodyguards were easily ambushed, disarmed and put into a special resident vehicle. This vehicle had already been prepared by the Dutch. With strict guard, the Dutch troops then brought the Diponegoro prince to Ungaran.
At the end of this war, Pangeran Diponegoro was then taken to Batavia, before that he was taken first to the city of Semarang. Right on May 3rd, 1830, Prince Diponegoro and his staff were taken to the dumping area, which is in Manado. Prince Diponegoro along with 19 people including his family and staff were also thrown away. Then in 1834 Prince Diponegoro and the others moved to another disposal area, namely Makassar. After serving a prisoner period of 25 years, Prince Diponegoro then died on January 8, 1855 precisely at the age of 70 years.

As a result of the great war against Prince Diponegoro, the Dutch treasury was drained because of funding for the war.
The Dutch gained several territories in Yogyakarta and Surakarta and the power of the Javanese kingdoms began to diminish.
In addition, there was a removal of the forced cultivation system

Imitiyazhz. (2018, january 17). Perang Diponegoro. Retrieved from Blogger:
Tribun. (2019, august 11). Perang Diponegoro. Retrieved from

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