Kamis, 14 Oktober 2021




  • Adam Valeno Vimar (01)

  • Ibrahim Azis (13)

  • Shaquila Allishia Herianto (28)

  1. Advantage of renewable energy

Besides being environmentally friendly, one of the main advantages of using solar panels as an energy source is that it can save on electricity bills. ... Solar panels will be able to produce their own energy at home by utilizing the natural light of the sun's heat which you can then convert into energy.

  1. Disadvantage of renewable energy

  • The Electricity Generation Capacity is Still Not Large Enough.

  • Renewable Energy Can be Unreliable.

  • Low-efficiency Levels.

  • Requires a Huge Upfront Capital Outlay.

  • Takes a Lot of Space to Install.

  • Expensive Storage Costs.

  • Not Always a Commercially-viable Option.

  • It Still Generates Pollution.

  1. What's included in renewable energy !

Renewable energy comes from sources or processes that are constantly replenished. These sources of energy include solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, and hydroelectric power.