Kamis, 13 Januari 2022



REVIEW NOVEL “Robinson Crusoe”

Name of novel : Robinson Crusoe

Author : Daniel Defoe


- Robinson Crusoe : The main character. He is a young middle class man in New York in search of a career

- Friday : Crusoe's servant

- The Potuguese Captain : The sea captain who helps Crusoe

- Xury : An arabian slave boy

- The Widow : She keeps Crusoe's 200 pounds safe in England thrughout 35 of journeying


This book by Daniel Defoe contains 6 chapters which tells the story and adventures of a boy named Robinson Crusoe. Robinson was born in York, England in 1632. He was the last of 3 children. His first brother was killed during the war and his second brother had died. Robinson is always warned not to go on adventures by his parents to avoid various bad possibilities. however, Robinson is not a child who obeys his parents, so he instead goes on an adventure. When Robinson was 19 years old, he met his friend who wanted to sail using his father's boat, Robin was invited to sail by his friend. His friend said that sailing was very fun.

Robinson Crusoe did the same as his friend and boarded the ship. In the sea, the waves were so high that it made him feel nauseous inside! One of the men on the boat said they had a leak! When the ship sank, they managed to get ashore where people tried to help them.

When all had landed, he was surprised by the arrival of his friend's father. He told Robin not to sail again, if he kept sailing maybe all he got was disappointment in the end. Robin also confirmed the words of his friend's father. He was confused plus he only had a little money. Robin was also too shy to go back to her parents so she decided to leave and live in London.

At first everything went smoothly, he made a lot of acquaintances and made a lot of money there. But one day, he lost while fighting against several sailors and he became a slave. After 2 years he became a slave, he got a chance to fish in the middle of the sea. He left with one other slave and a bodyguard. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, he pushed the bodyguard and sailed alone with the other slave. They go and adventure. Several times they met other sailors who asked for help. They also get paid for their hard work.

His ship sank in a storm until Crusoe was finally stranded on a remote, uninhabited island.

On the island, he learns everything from scratch with minimal equipment. The equipment he got from his ship that almost sank not far from the island. Starting from making houses, kitchen utensils, growing rice and wheat, building ships, taming animals to raising livestock. Robinson continues to live and learn with limitations. There is no technology and communication with fellow humans. He had blamed fate and regretted it, but that did not dampen his enthusiasm for life. In his solitude, Crusoe actually becomes closer to God, more grateful for life with everything he has.

One time, he saw many footprints near where he lived. It turned out that many groups of cannibals were looking for prey. They eat other humans to survive. As they were about to forage for food, Robin rescued a cannibal. He was very grateful to Robin and said he would be his slave. He called the cannibal "Friday". Robin taught Friday many things, starting from how to find food and Robin also taught that being a cannibal is not the right way. Robin and Friday also learned a lot about religion and shared life with each other.

In Chapter 6 or the last chapter, it tells about the lives of Robin and Friday who lived together for 3 years. Robin and Friday also meet Friday's father in this chapter. The next morning a British ship arrived at the bay. Robin asks for help and cooperates with the ship's soldiers. The sailors allowed Robin to board on the condition that Robin would help them. Robin agreed. Robin also teaches many ways of survival to the sailors and says that this island is not a bad island.

On December 19, 1686. They set sail for England. Robin has left England for approximately 35 years. And apparently everything has changed. They have a new government and a new king. Robin has a lot of regrets. And the bad news is that both of his parents have died. They also thought robin had left the world so they didn't leave any will. But robin remembers he has a small plantation in Portugal. He thanked everyone who had helped take care of his plantation while he was sailing.

After all, he was confused about what he wanted to go back to England with. He didn't want to get on the ship again. Long story short, Robin arrived in England. While there, he also meets someone he loves. He is married and has a beautiful family. So far, this is the story of the book.


The lesson we can take is not to challenge the words of parents. And also we must continue to struggle and work hard in living life and we must be patient for all the bad things that happen to us and don't forget to draw closer to God.

- Sisca Nurul I - Shaquila Allishia - Vadya Dea A (ROOM 4)

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2021




  • Adam Valeno Vimar (01)

  • Ibrahim Azis (13)

  • Shaquila Allishia Herianto (28)

  1. Advantage of renewable energy

Besides being environmentally friendly, one of the main advantages of using solar panels as an energy source is that it can save on electricity bills. ... Solar panels will be able to produce their own energy at home by utilizing the natural light of the sun's heat which you can then convert into energy.

  1. Disadvantage of renewable energy

  • The Electricity Generation Capacity is Still Not Large Enough.

  • Renewable Energy Can be Unreliable.

  • Low-efficiency Levels.

  • Requires a Huge Upfront Capital Outlay.

  • Takes a Lot of Space to Install.

  • Expensive Storage Costs.

  • Not Always a Commercially-viable Option.

  • It Still Generates Pollution.

  1. What's included in renewable energy !

Renewable energy comes from sources or processes that are constantly replenished. These sources of energy include solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, and hydroelectric power.

Selasa, 01 Juni 2021

REVIEW OF NOVEL ' If You Know Why ' by Indriya

     this is the link of review this novel


 The Identify of the Book

Book identity

Book title: If You Know Why

Author: Indriya

Publisher: Loveable;

Theme : Friendship , Family , and Love

Pages : 526 pages

Prints : 1 (2017)

ISBN : 978-602-6922-83-0

Price: IDR 99,500

The general conclusion about this novel :

This story begins when the main character named Vanilla, a 16 year old child returns to Indonesia which is where her biological family is after 2 years living in Germany with her adoptive family. Many problems have arisen since Vanilla returned to Indonesia, starting from the mental pressure due to her friend who died, not being considered by her biological family, and the kidney disease she was experiencing. Since the death of her best friend named Kevin, Vanilla has become a cold and introverted person.

Vanilla's life that was initially very happy turned 180 degrees into a very sad one. Since that incident, everyone has blamed Vania for being the mastermind and the cause of the accident. Every day Vanila lives a very hard and full of obstacles. Even her own family built a cold war fort with her. After the accident, Vanila was adopted by the Arsen family and transferred to Germany to overcome post-accident trauma and receive treatment there. However, when she was 16 years old, she asked to return to Indonesia on the grounds that she wanted to improve his relationship with her biological family. But her guess was wrong, it turns out that his family has not been able to forgive Vanila at all, especially her older brother, Zero.

In the midst of a tiring life, Vanilla finally met Dava in high school. Since meeting Dava, Vanilla's life has begun to take on a color, although sometimes Dava treats Vanilla with an ever-changing attitude. Dava is the person who is the reason for Vanilla to keep fighting in her tiring and bitter life.

With the toughness and toughness that Vanilla has in solving her problems, all the problems in her life can be overcome, but with unexpected ends.

Positive thing of this novel :

The strength contained in this book is a very unpredictable plot. The author is good at placing the atmosphere and circumstances of the chapter which makes the reader feel emotional when reading it The ending of this book is also unexpected, making readers sure to be surprised by all the plot twists in this book. In addition to problems regarding family, this book also tells the love story of the main character that thrills teenage readers so that it can be read by many people. The choice of language in this book is also very good and easy to understand. And the author makes readers curious to read chapter by chapter.

Negative thing of this novel :

The weakness in this book is that I found some words that were still mistyped or commonly called typos. And also the plot in this book is too long and thick, the problem is repeated for a long time to touch the end and maybe it makes some readers feel bored when reading.

Last Comment :

In my opinion, this novel is worth reading, especially during spare time. Due to the fairly long story, this book can be a companion when bored. As we already know that this book has been read more than 17 million times on Wattpad, resulting in this book which is proven to be good and worthy of reading and deserves praise and appreciation. In addition to the plot which is very difficult to guess, there are many pages in this book that write moral messages or words that can be motivation for readers. The story of a girl who doesn't give up in her life and continues to explain whatever hardships are for the sake of this difficulty can be a motivation for readers not to easily give up on the trials brought by God.

by Shaquila Allishia 

Minggu, 28 Februari 2021



by : shaquila xi science 7 


Clay or loam is a silicate sub-skeletal mineral particle less than 5 micrometers in diameter. Clays contain fine fused silica and / or aluminum. Of these elements, silicon, oxygen, and aluminum are the most abundant elements that make up the earth's crust. however, because making clay is very difficult. I will show you how to make an easier version of the clay. the main ingredients of this clay are only flour and glue. here are the ingredients and how to make clay eggs.


Tools and Materials :

- container

- cornstarch

- Fox glue

- powder

- baby oil (optional)

- colored paint



1. Prepare a container

2. Sprinkle the container with cornstarch

3. Put a little fox glue onto the flour, the ratio is about 2: 1

4. Sprinkle more cornstarch on top of the glue

5. Flatten the container so that the flour spreads

6. Stir the glue mixture using your hands. stir by pressing the dough lightly

7. Add cornstarch if not enough until the texture is not sticky and hard. usually also given baby oil but it is optional

8. Shape the dough into 2 pieces, the first is a small circle, and the second is a large, flat circle

9. Bring the two parts together to form an egg

10. wait for the clay to harden, usually about 3 days it has hardened

11. Color to your heart's content

12. Clay is ready, cute can be like a small miniature


that's all the tutorial that I can give, hopefully it's useful and thank you!

and i already make the video , check out this ! 


Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020

Nico's Wig Film

Watch And Learn Deutch Film " Nico's Weg"

 Hello, all ! I'm Shaquila.  here I want to review a film from Germany whose title is 'Nicos Weg'. This film is played by Nico as the main character. it all started with a young man from Spain named Nico, he came to Germany to meet his aunt who lives here, yara's name. but when he just arrived at the airport, he lost his only bag while playing with a little boy named emma. Nico accidentally put his bag next to the taxi that was putting the goods in the trunk of the taxi, so without thinking, the taxi driver immediately put Nico's bag into the trunk of the car. to make matters worse, all valuables such as passports, yara addresses, phones are all in the bag. Emma and Lisa (Emma's aunt) are sorry to see Nico who doesn't know what else to do. Then finally Lisa and Emma took Nico away to live temporarily at their house. While looking for the whereabouts of Yara's (Tante Nico) house, her friend Lisa comes and reminds her that Lisa's dad is a police officer who might be able to help them in this situation. Lisa, who just realized it, immediately called her father and immediately came to the police station right away. but unfortunately, the police were not able to find the whereabouts of Nico's and Yara's bags as quickly because the evidence that Nico gave was only a photo and a Yara bicycle shop. so Nico had to wait a little longer. In the afternoon, Lisa takes Nico to a party at Lisa's house. Lisa's friends were very good there. they also helped find auntyara's whereabouts. at night, the party starts and Nico accidentally falls in love with one of Lisa's friends who is there, her name is Salma. they also play games at the party until it is time for salma to go home. and some time later the party was over. The next day, because it is impossible for Nico to just stay at their house, Lisa has the idea to suggest Nico to become Emma's babysitter and Nico agrees with Lisa's opinion. Then the next day Nico just waited for the police to find his bag by helping Lisa and her friends who were there. Then after a long wait the police finally found the whereabouts of the Yara bike shop, but what is regrettable is that Yara is not in the shop. yara was out of town at that time. so Nico had to wait some more. but not long after that Nico finally got the news that Salma (Lisa's friend) found her bag, and luckily her passport, her cellphone was still safe in the bag. Nico is very grateful to Salma for the help.

After watching this film, I can take a lot of lessons, such as we shouldn't be careless about putting our things down, then we also have to help friends who are in trouble. and also after I watched this film, I became familiar with some German words and I also learned while watching. although the plot is not that exciting, this film is very useful for people who want to learn German. I also discovered a lot of new vocabulary words. I also became more accustomed to hearing someone speak German. I think that's all my review of the film 'Nico's Weg'. thankyou...

by Shaquila Allishia Herianto XI SCIENCE 7 (28)

Minggu, 27 September 2020




what I want to do for the future?

Hello everyone, my name is Shaquila Allishia Herianto im 14 years old. I'm from SMAN 3 BANDUNG. For today's topic is "what do I want to do for the future?" First, the most important thing is that I want to be a sure successful person, successful in this world and the hereafter. I also want to enter the medical faculty of UNPAD in two years. after I entered medical school, my dream was to become a doctor. pediatrician is my dream since childhood. In the past, I wanted to be a doctor because I like to see doctors who can help many people when they are sick. and I also really idolized pediatricians when I was little, he is very good to children. That's why I really want to be someone who can see the smiles of children. I also like biology lessons. I really like studying it. it's also the reason I went to medical school. Lately I really like attending medical seminars, and I've also been in several medical competitions which I hope will help me when I enter college. Even though I am not good at biology, my ambition is big to enter medical school. plus the support from many of my friends and family which makes me even more excited. besides being a doctor, I also want to open a business. food business or other business. I also really like selling since I was a child, like I used to sell slime, bracelets, masks, lunch supplies, etc. I want to open a shop business. I also want to learn to be a better person in the future. I also want to be a good parent in the future, I want to send my child as high as possible. most importantly I want to be a good mother who always sees them happy because I am now very happy with my parents now. In order to achieve all my dreams and aspirations, I will study harder and always pray to God to be given fluency in my every step. I think that's all I can say, I hope that my ambition to achieve my goals will be even greater. and lastly I want to thank myself for going this far, I also want to say that I am proud of myself. thank you Miss....

by Shaquila Allishia H XI SCIENCE 7 (28)